Thinking in a loud voice...(3)
I opened this space to think and share what I find, what I do but also to think in a loud voice so that hopefully, others might read and share their thoughts as well. Some may agree, others won't. I know I can think a lot better when I'm thinking WITH others. Many times my posts have to do with what I find or read from other colleagues, seldom can I remember how I got there, organisation is not one of my assets although I work hard to improve this. A few days ago, my colleagues and I finished a 4 meeting Professional Development course we prepared for a group of secondary school teachers on integrating technology to their daily practice, it all ended on such a high note! In my experience, teachers are always thankful when you share information, experiences and tips. They look so enthusiastic and are ready to share what works for them in their groups. All the same, sometimes I stop and wonder how many are willing to take the plunge, leave "common groun...